[life] So here I am...

Welcome to the Topknot Diaries. I'm not exactly sure who I'm welcoming - if anybody - but I suppose a first post warrants some sort of introduction. So here we go.

I'm basically just your run-of-the-mill traveler, writer (... in my head), photographer, lover of food and clothes, and coffee-drinker. Basically a lover of life. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do in the world but I know that in the meantime I want to know more, do more, and be more. All with a topknot on my head.

I'm currently in my mid-twenties and therefore my life is pretty much all up in the air... but that's ok. I'll figure it out as I go and chronicle it here. Who is this blog for? Well to be honest, for myself mostly - I know that regardless of what kind of crap/wonderfulness is thrown my way, I want to make the most of it and remember it! But that doesn't mean that others can't enjoy my ridiculousness in all its glory. Let's do this!

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